Thursday, November 26, 2009

Never Try and Yankitize Me

Me: Don't call me sugar
Friend: darlin?
Friend: honey?
Friend: sporty?
Me: Steph
Friend: lmao
Me: Honey, darlin ect sounds condescending
Friend: ok didnt mean to offend, i am what we call southern, so i do use sugar and darlin a lot and they arent meant to come off as sexist or whatever..............they are kinda like saying ma'am when i use them
Me: I know
Me: I'm yankee-inizing you
Friend: meanass
Me: Or teaching you how to speak to one
Friend: never try and yankitize me
Me: Haha
Friend: it aint happenin
Friend: although i can pull of a pretty good chicago accent
Me: I gotta hear that
Friend: oh i know how to speak to "yall", just cuss a lot and never actually show any respect. its simple
Friend: and speak loudly also
Friend: show zero manners
Friend: and just be an all around ass........which shockingly enough, i can pull off ;)

Why does speaking loudly with no manners sound so appealing to me? ...I need to take a trip back home soon.

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