Have you heard Wild Sweet Orange? This is why I love using Pandora, I run across so many artists I would have never listened to otherwise! I got some really good stuff today but this is one of the only bands I heard that I've liked almost every song I played. Here's a link to their Myspace Profile, there's a lot of songs on there. They have video embedding disabled on YouTube but search it, love it and uh..buy the album :)
In other news, I finally rented Little Big Planet and MAN is it great. Sackboy is the cutest video game character I have ever seen! The levels are fun, you basically have to figure out how to move from beginning to end by moving things around, swinging from stuff and things like while collecting items throughout. There are challenges to do between levels. The graphics are cool, its almost like claymation but they are so spot on things move when you nudge it. My Sackboy is actually an orange Sackgirl with purple pigtails and bunny ears, hehe. I also picked up Assassins Creed because I hadn't played it and I saw a commercial for Assassins Creed 2 and it looks badass, so I want to play through the first one before November when 2 comes out. Its got everything I love in an RPG game plus beautiful graphics! Its gonna be fun, there are a TON of movement that'll take some getting used to though.
October is almost here and its going to be an exciting month! Charleston in 2 weeks, Kristina and Bennies wedding and Nicole's moms 50th the weekend after that and Myrtle Beach the weekend after that! Shannon is trying to talk me into going to AZ for Halloween and I might do it, I miss her like mad and we'd have a blast. Shes moving into her new house so it would be cool if I could get out there to check it out, after all, it might be my future home soon!
All in all this was a great weekend, I decided to get into Lost and I can stream all the seasons to my Xbox so Cody and I watched a ton of them Saturday. Heard some new music and picked up a couple games, couldn't ask for a more relaxing weekend!
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