I went to a Christmas Party last night. At the party I was in charge of the games. We played a getting to know you game where I had everyone write down something about themselves nobody would know. Then we all had to guess who's who. It was fun. My other game was you take a pair of panty hose (everyone freaked when I started handing out panty hose by the way) and blow up balloons, first person who fills their hose all the way puts their "antlers" on wins. Everyone had fun with it.
We also did a Chinese gift exchange. Where everyone draws a number and when its your turn you can choose a gift or steal someone else's. Well I got to my turn and there were some so-so gifts out there so I decided to take my chances at the table. I picked this cute cloth bag with candy canes on it. Opened it up and there was some candles and candy and a book. YAY! I love books! The book was a bible..a camouflage bible.
I get that I live in the south and when it comes to things like this I am the minority, but here's the thing about holy roller that thought it'd be a good idea to give a gift like that. When we were playing the getting to know you game her secret about herself was : "I like to stay out dancing until early morning." When asked "oh, what kind of dancing do you like?" her reply? "Depends on which bar I'm at".
Reminds me of Jim Gaffigan "can we hurry this along, I've got some sinnin' to do".
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