Friday, November 14, 2008

I have the memory capacity of a pea. I swear to god if you told me something right now in 3 minutes i would probably forget what it was you just said to me. I try and write everythign down so I won't forget important things but occasionally something slips through the cracks. Today it did and I feel like such an ass! I promised a client I would order him some checks because he needed them to pay some bills....last week on Friday. Here it is a new Friday and he comes in looking for them, not here because I forgot to order them. DAMN.

Last night was a productive evening on the Borean Tundra. I have become very good at the art of mob stealing. Since there are generally 10-15 people standing in the spot where said monster is waiting to be killed, I need to be the first to do so. /target mobname /cast earth shock macro works best. Speaking of combat. I recently made the switch from Resto which is what I have been since I turned 70 to enhancement in order to be more productive leveling. I have to say, I freakin love it! I'm not too happy about lava lash I thought that would be more fun but its a nice instant spell to throw into the rotation. I plan on doing all 130 quests in the tundra before leaving so that I don't have to come back and do them again for the achievement. Theres a lot of gold to be had, which is good, because learning professions has gone completely through the roof. I spent over 200g the second I landed in Valiant Keep just learning cooking and fishing.

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